It is common knowledge that a Dechlorinator must be used to remove heavy metals & chlorine from your tap water before adding it to your pond or aquarium.
After intensive research, we have found that the Organic Aqua Water Care does not only perform this function but also removes chloramine (a more stable chemical, formed by mixing chlorine & ammonia). It also instantly creates a safely balanced ecology and preserves this healthy environment for much longer. Organic Aqua Water Care offers antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties that will highly benefit fish and other aquatic life.
Water Care is so much more than a de-chlorinator
This amazing composition of beneficial plant extracts and water soluble-oils is great to instantly create a balanced ecology that will ensure optimum conditions for effective fish keeping. It is so much more than just an ordinary dechlorinate as it also:
Preserves the water quality for much longer
Increases the water clarity
Prevents side effects of bad water quality
Protects the gills against the harmful effect of the nitrogen cycle during the cycling in period
Maintains healthy water that in turns result in healthier fish
Reduces the water changes and maintenance to only once a month (25% water change)
Preventative against most water quality related disease
Did you know?
When you combine Water Care with the Organic Aqua Filter Activator product you can stock a brand new aquarium setup immediately without having to wait for the cycling period to complete? It also contains a small percentage of Aloe Vera extract that conditions your fish and results in a healthier aquatic ecosystem.
Very importantly, you also don’t need to complete weekly or bi-weekly water changes when you apply Water Care on a weekly basis! (only top up the evaporated water). It is manufactured in South Africa and economical as 500ml treats 25 000L of water.
How to create & maintain a stress free environment:
Water quality is everything! Make sure to create and maintain a naturally balanced aquatic ecology for your fish to thrive in. Focus on the 3 different components that allows happy fish keeping:
Water (remove chlorine, contaminants and heavy metals, reduce continuous water changes – less is more, ensure sufficient aeration or increase the dissolved oxygen levels regularly test the pH levels)
Filtration (increase biological filtration with beneficial live bacteria, use the right filter medium)
Fish (boost the fish immune system – like us taking vitamins and minerals, they need it too! Don’t over feed)
These Organic Aqua products improves the water quality:
For Ponds: Pond Filter Activator combined with Pond Water Care & Pond Fish Care.
For Aquariums: Water Quality Kit for a convenience 3in1 product approach or combine Filter Activator with Water Care & Fish Care.
For Marine Aquariums: Marine Filter Activator, Marine Water Care and Marine Fish & Coral Care.
The Safety of our Products
The amazing results with these environmentally friendly products are backed by thousands of successful case studies & customer testimonials from the past 16 years. The safety of our products is endorsed by Laboratory Reports & microbiological analysis from reputable Institutions in South Africa, including Biotox (managed by the SANAS standards) Bemlab & SGS.